Archive for the Random rant Category

Relationship issues(personal thought)

Posted in Random rant on July 12, 2010 by enigma79

There are many problems out there in the world with people. And all of those are based on relationships, like dating, family, and friendship. No one in this world is the same and many of us make mistakes. Many of us cheat on our loved ones because of sex addictions or because we are bored of them, which is heartless people get caught up in the moment and after it’s over many regret it. Yet why do people do it? they understand how much it would hurt their spouse if they found out and they know how much it would hurt if it happened to them, yet the mind is strong enough to take over just for moments of satisfaction. Love is so overrated, if love is so strong then why can’t it prevent people from hurting someone. I understand many relationships don’t last but why can’t people just break up and end it? So much confusion with relationships, friendships they say relationships don’t last forever but friendship does. Well that’s not true many relationships last but friend doesnt sometimes both end. You can get into a huge fight someone and the friendship ends because of it. Many of you who read this know what I’m talking about cause it’s happened to you or you have seen it happen to someone else. This world needs more honesty and love. I know this world isn’t perfect and that it will never be but just imagine how much impact you can do to someones life just by being nice to them and listening to them when they aren’t heard everyone has feelings, wouldn’t you be hurt if you weren’t heard for trying to express yourself? I don’t know but that’s my random rant for the night

Random Quote

Posted in Random rant on March 22, 2010 by enigma79

Ok so I was sitting at home during my spring break and out of no where I thought of a random quote. I was thinking about life and everything like birthdays, and well when you think about it every year you have a birthday which you celebrate but every year it brings you closer to your death.(which is true) so I thought of this quote “life only begins to come to an end.” please comment and share your opinion about what you think .


People Who Interrupt

Posted in Random rant on November 6, 2009 by enigma79

What really ticks me off is when you are in the middle of a sentence and the person you are talking to completely interrupts and brings up another subject. I mean seriously why can’t they just stay quiet and wait till you are done? It’s not like its something important, I mean someone asks you how your day was and you tell them it was bad. And while you are explaining why your day was bad they stop you and tell you their day was good or bad, and starting telling you what happened that made their day like that. So you’re there just listening to what they have to say, and once they are done its like your day isn’t important enough to listen to. That really ticks me off like if something bad happens to you and you just want to talk to someone about it, but they interrupt like their day is more important so they figured they should tell you their day first and you have to sit there for a long time listening to them. And when you try to tell them about your day once they finished they either interrupt you again or just say “oh.” Some of you people(whoever read this) know what I am talking about, that one good friend you have who you trust a lot and you know you can talk to them about anything, and they wouldn’t tell anyone. But when you try to talk to them they interrupt, I wish people could just quit interrupting others while they are in the middle of a sentence. Also it just hit me while I was ranting about this, what I hate more than that is when people who were not a part of the conversation drop in and act like they know what you’re saying. Perfect example today I was in the hallway talking to my cousin about how Sprint is messing up or something cause we can’t send text messages to people, and another friend of ours just comes up and says “yeah my phone broke yesterday” we weren’t even talking about our phones being busted. People really need to stop interrupting others or dropping into other conversations and acting like they know what’s going on.