Archive for March, 2010

Wal-Mart Racial Announcement

Posted in Ginsberg Classwork on March 22, 2010 by enigma79

Wal-Mart is working with law enforcement officials to investigate a racial incident. 

In New Jersey polic e arrested a 16 year old kid for bias intimidation and harassment charges, he made a racial comment in Wal-Mart saying “all blacks need to leave the store.”  the stor manager called the cops and took him to jail. New Jersey has stored updated intercoms.

for more info click:

Healthcare In America

Posted in Ginsberg Classwork on March 22, 2010 by enigma79

Historic health care bill heads to Obama

Tomorrow President Obama will sign sweeping health care reform legislation into law. The Package of changes to bill still needs Senate approval, but the GOP could delay it. Most Americans will now be required to have health insurance or pay a fine. Larger employers will be required to provide coverage or risk financial penalties. Lifetime coverage limits will be banned, and insurers will be barred from denying coverage based on gender or pre-existing conditions. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Obama’s success was an example of the president’s tenacity. she also said “If you ever doubt the resolve of President Obama to stay with a job, look at what we got done for the United States last night when it came to passing quality affordable health care for everyone,” during a speech to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

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16 Year Old Shoots Parents Over Halo 3

Posted in Ginsberg Classwork on March 22, 2010 by enigma79

On September 2007 Daniel Petric snuck out of his room to go buy Halo 3. Daniel has played the game with his friends behind his parents back, and he decided he wanted his own copy of the game. After he bought it he went home but his parents caught him, they took his game away and locked it up in a safe with a 9mm in it. The parents didn’t allow him to play it because the game is too violent, a month later, on the 20th of October, 2007 Daniel was still upset that they took his game so he took his dads lockbox key and went to get his game but when he opened the box he found his game and the gun. At Mark Petric’s testimony, he said he was sitting on the couch when Daniel came up behind him and said, “Would you guys close your eyes? I have a surprise for you.” they closed their eyes expecting to get something pleasant, suddenly the father felt a numb pain as blood poured out of his head. He later realized that his wife was dead she got shot in the head, arms and her chest. Daniel even tried to frame his dad he put the gun in his hand and told him “Hey Dad, here’s your gun. Take it.”

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Random Quote

Posted in Random rant on March 22, 2010 by enigma79

Ok so I was sitting at home during my spring break and out of no where I thought of a random quote. I was thinking about life and everything like birthdays, and well when you think about it every year you have a birthday which you celebrate but every year it brings you closer to your death.(which is true) so I thought of this quote “life only begins to come to an end.” please comment and share your opinion about what you think .