Archive for December, 2009

Uh-Oh For People Who Cheat

Posted in Ginsberg Classwork on December 8, 2009 by enigma79

Seven states allow jilted spouses to file "alienation of affection" suits against alleged paramours.

All of you people who cheat on your wife/husband you better be careful because you can get sued. Yep you read this right and you will see the proof in the link below, this new law is known as the “alienation of affection.” And you can get sued if someone does interfere with your marriage(I’m sure you know what I am talking about.) Im going to try to explain this better… This happened cause of Tiger Woods and him being an idiot, well anyway the point of this law is for example if a man cheats on his wife with another woman the wife has the right to sue that woman who the husband cheated with. So if he cheated with a rich woman ALL the women with broken hearts while have a lot of money in their pockets. Seven states have already passed this law so if you live in Hawaii, Illinois, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Carolina, South Dakota and Utah you better watch yourself. Personally if you ask me you are better off not cheating or getting a divorce saves trouble.

For more information click here:


U.S Citizen Charged

Posted in Ginsberg Classwork on December 8, 2009 by enigma79

The November 2008 terror attacks in Mumbai, India, which included the seige at the Taj Mahal hotel, killed 160 people. 

A U.S Citizen was charged for helping last year’s terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India. 49-year-old David Headley already for planning  attacks against a Danish newspaper. When David attacked the Taj Mahal hotel he killed 160 people, and 6 of them were Americans. The Justice Department said Headley attended terrorism training camps in Pakistan and worked with a group called Lashkar-e-Tayyiba to help him on his attack in India and Denmark. The Justice Department also say that David was charged in Chicago with six counts of conspiracy to bomb locations in India.

For more information click here:

Rival Pregnancy Gets Out Of Hand

Posted in Ginsberg Classwork on December 8, 2009 by enigma79
The victim was treated at Brooklyn's Kings County Hospital, New York City media reported.
38-year-old Kisha Jones tried to trick her “rival” 25-year old Monique Hunter to take an abortion drug, because she believed that her husband cheated and was the father of Moniques’ baby. She also tried to poison the milk for the baby, Kisha is going to jail for attempt of abortion and assault. The baby was born 2 months premature he survived. Kisha used a doctors pad to forge a prescription that induces labor. After she took it to the pharmacy to get the pills Kisha pretended to be the a woman who worked for her doctor and called Monique and told her that her prescription pills were ready and that the doctor told her to take them immediately. Monique went to pick them up and believed the pills were legit and would help her, soon after she took the pill she was rushed to the hospital having severe abdominal pain and gave birth to a baby boy.

The Reason H1N1 Is Deadly

Posted in Ginsberg Classwork on December 8, 2009 by enigma79

Damaged lung tissue is seen as light gray and healthy lung tissue is seen as dark gray in this cross-sectional CT scan of a deceased patient with pulmonary bacterial infection caused by the H1N1 virus. The other organs are white.

Scientists have found thats the H1N1 penetrates deep into the lungs, creating widespread damage. They also said that it is similar to the flu pandemic that happened in 1918 and 1957. Autopsy and microscopic slides show that the 34 people who died from the H1N1 between May 15 and July 9, 2009 has the similar that people had from 1918 and 1957. During the autopsy of the 34 they found the same thing which were inflammation and damage in the lungs extended all the way to the alveoli, tiny sacs at the farthest end of the lungs’ airways.

For more information click here:

Tiger Woods Scandal Gets Worse

Posted in Ginsberg Classwork on December 8, 2009 by enigma79

An ambulance sits outside the emergency room of Health Central Hospital in Occoee, Florida where an unidentified woman was brought from the home of PGA golfer Tiger Woods during the early morning hours December 8, 2009.

Many of you people have heard about Tiger Woods having an affair and about him crashing his car into a tree. Well Things just keep getting worse for him, it all went down this morning when Tiger Woods mother-in-law said she was having stomach problems. An ambulance was dispatched to his home, the call was made approximately at 2:30AM. The 57-year-old mother-in-law was rushed to the hospital and she admitted to having stomach problems to the doctors. Tiger has not exposed himself to the public ever since the accident that took place November 27, 2009. Reporters say that Elin moved out of the home but they said a woman who her description was seen visiting Holmberg on Tuesday.

For more information copy link:


(sorry for the bad link it wouldn’t fit)